ChromaWay engages Workinman Interactive, the producer of games for Atari, Disney and Nintendo, to build the first blockchain game on Chromia

Blockchain pioneer ChromaWay starts a new unit, Chromia Studios, to launch a series of games together with leading US studio Workinman Interactive. The first game, Mines of Falunia, will be released in Q4 2019.

STOCKHOLM, Sweden; August 22, 2019 – ChromaWay announced today the launch of a new games unit, Chromia Studios, designed to address the exploding interest in developing games on the blockchain.  Chromia Studios will leverage Chromia, the relational blockchain designed to enable a new generation of decentralized applications to scale beyond what is currently possible.

To launch the first series of games, Chromia Studios is collaborating with Workinman Interactive, an award-winning, US-based market leader that specializes in cross-platform games using high performance engines and high resolution custom art. Workinman Interactive customers include Disney, Atari, Marvel, NBC Universal, Nickelodeon, and Nintendo.

The first release will be a fast paced mining game with elements of economics and digital asset ownership.  A web + mobile mining game that replaces traditional in-game transactions with decentralised ownership and payment features, uses the Chromia platform to store, serve and generate critical content securely on the chain, and uses the

wallet as a login system to replace features that are usually tied to social media. In addition, the game will feature a significantly improved framework for digital originals (commonly referred to as Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs) which can be owned and traded outside of the game. The targeted release date for the game, Mines of Falunia, is Q4 2019.

The knowledge gained from Mines of Falunia, will be used to push the frontiers of decentralized gaming for Chomia Studios’ second release which is already in the works. The development process for this second, space-based game, will be highly collaborative and community-driven. The game itself will showcase Chromia’s ability to host complete game logic on the blockchain, allowing for entirely serverless blockchain games.

“Chromia is built for high performance public apps that operate at scale, like games. The gaming industry has always embraced cutting edge technology,” said Henrik Hjelte, CEO of ChromaWay.  “We believe that creating a new kind of game on Chromia through our own dedicated game studio is a great way to show the scalability and power of Chromia’s relational blockchain.”

Chromia is a general-purpose platform which is suitable for almost all kinds of dapps. It is

particularly well suited to cases requiring high I/O capacity or involving management of complex data sets. Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) are an example of such a case. Blockchain gaming is becoming increasingly popular, but MMOGs are currently out of reach because no existing blockchain platform can support them. Chromia is capable of hosting entire game worlds in the blockchain, making sure that they evolve according to predetermined rules and ensuring that no one can cheat.

“We are very excited to work with ChromaWay in that we can integrate Workinman Interactive’s expertise in game design, mechanics, and graphics with a robust and full featured benefits of the Chromia platform, said Jason Arena, CEO of Workinman. “To date blockchain games have not been able to meet the high demands of gamers for easy access, fun, and challenge while introducing blockchain features.  We look forward to breaking through this barrier with Chromia Studios.”

To learn more about Chromia Studios visit

About ChromaWay

ChromaWay is a blockchain technology company. Since 2014, it has been developing and refining our industry-defining blockchain technology platform, Postchain. ChromaWay has been working with public and private sector actors like the Swedish Land Registry, Daimler, LHV Bank, Funderbeam and others to build distributed applications. ChromaWay launched its public blockchain platform, Chromia, last year. Chromia builds on Postchain, the company’s relational blockchain technology, which has been used by banks, governments, and the financial industry across five continents.  Chromia Studios is a unit of Chromia. ChromaWay has offices in Stockholm, Kiev, Tel-Aviv, and Washington, DC.

About Workinman

Workinman Interactive is a cross-platform game developer and connected product designer

That provides services including art and animation, localization, gamification, augmented and virtual reality development, and QA-testing. For over 10 years they have been creating award-winning games and toys. The firm is headquartered in Rochester, New York, USA.

For further press inquiries, contact Anastasia Zudina at

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