Membership Registration

Membership Type*
Companies that have been registered in Singapore and are engaged in the development, promotion, or sale of blockchain technology are considered ordinary members.
Other than individuals eligible to apply for Ordinary membership of the Association, associate 
members are businesses, societies, cooperative societies, or other legal entities that are a
part of the blockchain ecosystem or that have a strong interest in blockchain technology.
Members who pay a membership fee of $1,000 per year are eligible to participate in joint events 
with the association. Ordinary members are businesses that specialise in creating, marketing,
or selling blockchain technology that have been registered in Singapore.
Company Name
UEN / Corporate ID*
Name of Company representative (voting member)*
Are you a Singapore PR?*
Phone Number*
* Your E-Mail Address*
About the Company*
Mailing Address*
Choose File
Proposer Name*
Seconder Name*
Terms & Conditions*